Emulating ARM64 with QEMU/KVM on a Debian guest VM

QEMU is an open source emulator and virualization sofware that can perform hardware virtualization. When used with KVM, virtual machines can run at near native speed. There are write up’s on how to run QEMU on macOS, windows and linux. I wanted to emulate the ARM64 architecture using QEMU and KVM. Since I didn’t have a computer hardware running linux, I wanted to try running a guest debian box and use QEMU/KVM to emulate the arm64 architecture. This makes for nested virtualization which is not ideal for speed and efficiency if you want to run a full desktop VM. In my case, all I wanted to do was debug the linux kernel on an arm64 arch.

Debugging iOS Binaries with lldb

This write up is a bruteforce work around I came up with in debugging iOS binaries using LLDB.
Apple has done well to protect its technology stack so much so that even debugging external apps has a learning curve.
To help with that, I have listed two articles that will be very helpful to anyone who wants to debug iOS apps for security testing or vulnerability research.